Holiday Countdown Day 7

Wondering what to read over the holidays and in the New Year? On Day 7 of our BEC Holiday Countdown, artistic director Alexander Cann shares some book suggestions for readers who want to expand their knowledge of classical music…and Hamilton, of course!

If It Ain’t Baroque: More Music History as It Ought to Be Taught by David Barber.
Actually I only include this title because of the excellent segue but it is essential reading.  Barber’s Bach, Beethoven and the Boys: Music History as It Ought to Be Taught is the first title in the series and the funniest.  I reread his books continually, hooked by his hilarity.  Canadian chap, what?

Fritz Spiegl’s Book of Musical Blunders and other Musical Curiosities by (you guessed it) Fritz Spiegl. Based in Britain, Spiegl is not widely known here but ought to be.  This book and one other title of his I have managed to get my claws on (Music Through the Looking Glass) are some of the funniest books ever written, full stop.  And full of an insider’s knowledge of the rich musical world of London.  The Book of Blunders makes occasional appearances at my rehearsals: for people who really like to mess stuff up it is required reading.

The Lives of the Great Composers by Harold C. Schonbert
A classic, widely known and widely read and just excellent in its scholarship and style.  Each chapter a different composer and a fascinating window into a different world.

The Love Lives of the Great Composers by Basil Howitt
Not in the same category of quality here, Howitt may lack the sophistication or panache of the other authors, and yet: a highly enjoyable, up-to-date, candid, and extremely interesting read. Well worth it, available in paperback, pairs well with eggnog.

Reclaiming Hamilton by Paul Weinberg, ed
It touches on music but is really a general reader on Hamilton today.  Published this benighted year, Weinberg’s compendium looks at our city through many lenses. Chapters on the history of immigration in Hamilton and the experience of working in the arts as a person of colour are eye-opening and informative.

Although we’ve provided Amazon links for most of these titles, please consider ordering them through one of our local bookstores, such as Epic Books or James Street Booksellers.

Grab one of Susan’s Cherry Snowballs (see recipes from Day 2 of our countdown), careful not to spill on your new books and dive in!!

Please spread the love and share on your Facebook page. Be sure to check out tomorrow’s posts, when we test your knowledge of BEC trivia!

Happy Holidays and Happy Reading from our BEC libraries to yours.

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