Join Us

If you would like to add value to our community and organization, the BEC would love your positive energy. There are multiple ways in which you can associate with the Bach Elgar Choir. If any of these areas interest you, please contact us at

As A Chorister

The Bach Elgar Choir’s choristers are auditioned and come from many musical backgrounds. We are always searching for new members to join us. If you are interested, please send us an email!

As A Board Member

The Bach Elgar Choir is in search of board members who deeply care about the performing arts in Hamilton. If you think this is something you’d be interested in, we’d love to hear from you. No previous board experience is required!

Reach out to us at A note to call out “Application for board member” in the subject line.

As A Volunteer

The BEC is seeking for volunteers on committees, at concerts or help behind the scenes in concert production.