Holiday Countdown Day 5

Today, we have more Chorister favourites to suggest: this time, MOVIES!

Snuggle up with those closest to you (only within your household of course), grab some eggnog and popcorn and pop on one of these holiday movies!

Jane Savage and her family love National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, a classic holiday film starring Chevy Chase. It’s available to rent on iTunes.

They also suggest Love Actually, starring… well, EVERYONE! Available on Amazon Prime, Crave and Starz and to rent on iTunes.

Cheryl Oudyk and her family can’t let a season go by without the Polar Express (available on Crave and to rent on iTunes)! 

Jeffery Holk and his family second the Oudyk family with their love for the 
Polar Express. They also recommend A Christmas Story – another holiday classic – filmed in St. Catharines and available on iTunes!

Lisa Beattie and her family love Home Alone (available on Disney+ as well as iTunes), Scrooged with Bill Murray (iTunes). Arthur Christmas is a must-see each year for her brood of kids (available on Netflix)!

Susan Arena and her loved ones snuggle up to the ultimate Christmas classic, It’s a Wonderful Life. It’s available for free on the CTV app, Crave and to rent on iTunes. 

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Happy Holidays and see you at the movies!!! Check in tomorrow for another post.

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